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The club I belong is currently doing their election process. There is an individual that was nominated for two positions. What is the rule when/if the person wins both positions? Is the person required to hold both positions? What would RONR recommend if/when this happens? Is there a reference on the RONR that you can point out for this particular issue? Our by-laws does h=not have anything regarding this dilemma. Thank you. 

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guest Leizl, does the following provision from page 440 answer your question?

"When voting for multiple offices by a single ballot, the members are not able to take the result for one office into account when voting for another office. For this reason, a candidate is never deemed elected to more than one office by a single ballot unless the motion or rules governing the election specifically provide for such simultaneous election. When there is no such provision, a candidate who receives a majority for more than one office on a single ballot must, if present, choose which one of the offices he will accept; if he is absent, the assembly decides by vote the office to be assigned to him. The assembly then ballots again to fill the other office(s). (The assembly is free, however, to elect the same person to another office on a subsequent ballot, unless the bylaws prohibit a person from holding both offices simultaneously.) "

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The first question is if your bylaws limit someone to holding a single office at a time?  The second question is how are elections conducted (if by ballot are there separate ballots for each office or is every election held in a single ballot)?  Those responses may determine the answer to your question.  However, also see RONR p. 440 ll. 3-17.

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