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removing a board member

Guest janet

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We have a board that consists of a husband and wife team, She is the president and he is on the park board, He is a bully and always outs others down at the meetings and she sits there with her mouth closed and rocks in a non rocking chair. We voted on a new VP that has since brought in his employee from the pharmacy he and his spouse owns and put her in charge of the Park board. There are ALOT of unanswered questions about things they are doing that are unethical with grants, and 3 of us Park board members asked several questions. We did not get a response, but we did get an email from the park board chairman ( who still has not been voted on by the pubic, according to our by laws), but we have gotten a request for our resignation, the locks have been changed, we have been removed from the site as Admins and my number has been removed from the sign as Event Co-ordinator. We do not have bylaws in place for removal of members (or committee execs), but we do go by Roberts Rules on anything not covered in the by laws. SO ! My question is, if there are NO removal by laws in place and we have done nothing wrong, illegal, unethical , What does Roberts Rules say about it

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Since most of what is happening is going on outside of a meeting there unfortunately isn't much RONR will say on the subject.  What I would suggest is to find out if there is a body or agency which the Park Board Chairman (and anyone else who is causing issues) answers to and talk to them about your options.

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Well, I don't really understand what's going on, but it sounds like this might be a public body of some sort. If so, there are likely to be applicable laws, and you should see what they say. RONR does not prohibit people requesting things (such as requesting a resignation) and is about meetings, not locks, signs, or websites. That said, it does have rules about the conduct of business at meetings, and if members are somehow being denied their basic membership rights, that is an issue - although how to bring it up is unclear if you are not able to get to a meeting. As for the grants, again, RONR is about procedure, not outcomes. What RONR says about it, to the extent it says anything, is that absent a bylaws provision, members can only lose their membership rights via a disciplinary process.


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