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Appointment/election of nominating committee

Guest Joanne Blystone

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Guest Joanne Blystone

Thank you for tolerating a question from an old rusty mostly amatuer parliamentarian. I have been asked by a non-profit to help with some bylaw amendments and unfortunately I gave away my RRONR and am relying on a set from 1914 that is posted online. My question is that I believe Robert does not like a President to appoint the Nominating Committee nor to serve on it.  Would you be able to refer me to where he has put this in writing if indeed this is true.  I have explained to them why, in general, that this is not a good idea.  However I am hoping to have some back up in writing.  Thank you for your assistance.

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From RONR, 11th edition, page 433


Designation of the Nominating Committee. The nominating committee should be elected by the organization wherever possible, or else by its executive board. Although in organizing a new society it may be feasible for the chair to appoint the nominating committee, in an organized society the president should not appoint this committee or be a member of it -- ex officio or otherwise. The bylaws may provide that "the President shall appoint all committees except the Nominating Committee" and that "the President shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee"; the exception should not be omitted in either case.

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