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I am trying to find in Roberts Rules what to do if there are positions for a upcoming election that have nobody willing to run for. What does Roberts Rules specify for lets say 3 out of 7 positions that we cannot find willing members to be on an upcoming ballot? 

Appreciate any input anyone can give from Roberts Rules to help guide me on this topic.

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5 minutes ago, BillC said:

I am trying to find in Roberts Rules what to do if there are positions for a upcoming election that have nobody willing to run for. What does Roberts Rules specify for lets say 3 out of 7 positions that we cannot find willing members to be on an upcoming ballot? 

Appreciate any input anyone can give from Roberts Rules to help guide me on this topic.

Nominations from the floor are permitted, as are write in votes.

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First, have a nominating committee that really tries to get people to agree to serve.

Second, ask for nominations from the floor.  People might be nominated and might accept.  Just knowing that someone else wants a person to serve is sometimes all it takes for that person to agree to serve.

Third, if the vote is by ballot (and it must be by ballot if the bylaws require it), write-in candidates are permitted.  Even a vote of 1 to 0 might be enough to elect a write in candidate.

Nominations and elections are covered in RONR in Section 46 on pages 430-446.


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I understand and appreciate the comments. The nominating committee has made calls to all eligible members with little success. Also an email has been sent to all eligible members encouraging them to run for office with no success. So this is why I am trying to have a resolution to this incase the momentum does not pick up in time.

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2 minutes ago, BillC said:

I understand and appreciate the comments. The nominating committee has made calls to all eligible members with little success. Also an email has been sent to all eligible members encouraging them to run for office with no success. So this is why I am trying to have a resolution to this incase the momentum does not pick up in time.

I am paraphrasing one of our frequent contributors here John D. Stackpole.  Basically announce that, since no one is interested in serving, maybe the society should be disbanded.  That might spark interest. 

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1 minute ago, BillC said:


That is my fear. I do not want to see this club dissolve and am trying to figure out how to prevent that from happening. I have already decided to announce at a meeting the severity of the lack of interest in the hopes people will step up.

Appreciate your input!! 

Telling members that they have to step up if they want the club to continue may encourage participation. 

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

In my experience, people that you have to bribe into taking responsibility don't usually do a very good job or stay at it very long. I am with J.J. (channeling JDS) that the best thing to do is lay the cards on the table and ask the members if they're ready to wind up, since you can't go on without officers.

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