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No one running for President

Linda J

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We are getting ready to have an election for 4 officers. I have people running for 3 of them, but no one wants to run for President. What do we do if no one is nominated from the floor and or, if they are then do not want to run? How would the rest of the Board approach this issue? We have nothing in our By Laws addressing this and I couldn't find anything in my RR Book, Edition 11. Obviously we need a President. Thank you.

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Unless your own rules provide otherwise, members have the right to cast write-in votes. It's possible for someone to be elected with just one write-in vote if no one else receives one. We have found that once someone is actually elected, or sometimes even just nominated, that person will agree to serve after all even though initially not willing to run.

If your bylaws require that the election be by ballot, you must use paper ballots and cannot waive or suspend that provision. If ballots are not required by your bylaws, the group can still elect to vote by secret ballot. That makes write-in votes possible.

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

If you don't elect a new officer, the current President stays in office should your bylaws provide for a term that runs "until a successor is elected." Otherwise, if the bylaws give only a fixed term, then the office will become vacant at its conclusion. Either way, it is incumbent on your society to keep voting until someone is elected.

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33 minutes ago, Linda J said:

Thank you for your responses. Seems as if we just don't have anyone who wants to run for that office. I guess we will just leave it up to the NEW board to figure it out.

Why would you be leaving it up to the new board to figure out? Aren't your officers elected by the general membership?

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On 9/8/2018 at 10:37 PM, Linda J said:

Thank you for your responses. Seems as if we just don't have anyone who wants to run for that office. I guess we will just leave it up to the NEW board to figure it out.

If  the rules in RONR apply, the election is the business of the general assembly, not the board, so it should be handled by the assembly.  The board would have no authority to "figure it out", and probably no authority to implement whatever they figured out.

(Your bylaws may provide for exceptions.)

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