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officer requirements

Guest Tracy Stephens

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Our club recdntly voted to require anyone running for an office must be a member for at least 6 months prior to an election.  What happens if all nominees do not have the 6 month requirement?  Our interpretation is that we may move forward with the election.

Thank, Tracy

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11 hours ago, Guest Tracy Stephens said:

Our club recdntly voted to require anyone running for an office must be a member for at least 6 months prior to an election.

Was this requirement adopted as an amendment to the bylaws? If not, it is not valid.

11 hours ago, Guest Tracy Stephens said:

What happens if all nominees do not have the 6 month requirement?  Our interpretation is that we may move forward with the election.

If this requirement was properly adopted as an amendment to the bylaws, then only candidates who meet the requirement may be elected.

If the requirement was not adopted as an amendment to the bylaws, it is not valid, and the society may elect whoever it wishes.

Edited by Josh Martin
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