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Board Meeting vs Committe Chair Meeting


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Each month our board holds a board meeting in which the only parties present are board members. We then hold another meeting which they call a Committee Chair meeting in which the Chairpersons of our various meetings attend so we can get updates from them on their various areas. Tonight we have our meeting with the Commitee Chairs in attendance. A board member asked is this a board meeting or a committee chair meeting. I said they are one in the same and that motions can be presented if needed. Another board member chimed in and said no it is not a board meeting it is a committee chair meeting. Is there a difference?

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4 minutes ago, Guest Who's Coming to Dinner said:

Your regular board meeting is the one established in the bylaws or by motion or resolution. The Committee Chair meeting is not a board meeting unless some commensurate rule of yours says it is.

But the board is the one calling for the meeting. We send email to all committee chairs advising them we are having a committee chair meeting on a certain date at a certain time and for them to report out on what is going on in their areas.

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner
1 hour ago, Shawn said:

But the board is the one calling for the meeting. We send email to all committee chairs advising them we are having a committee chair meeting on a certain date at a certain time and for them to report out on what is going on in their areas.

Does this email also go to the board members and do they all know that board business may be transacted?

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I get the impression that both these meetings are board meetings. They just call them by different names depending on what purpose the meeting will have. If this is true, then these are board meetings and the board is in control; they just set aside a special meeting to hear committee reports and act on their recommendations.

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2 hours ago, Shawn said:

Each month our board holds a board meeting in which the only parties present are board members. We then hold another meeting which they call a Committee Chair meeting in which the Chairpersons of our various meetings attend so we can get updates from them on their various areas. Tonight we have our meeting with the Commitee Chairs in attendance. A board member asked is this a board meeting or a committee chair meeting. I said they are one in the same and that motions can be presented if needed. Another board member chimed in and said no it is not a board meeting it is a committee chair meeting. Is there a difference?

What exactly do your bylaws say about board meetings and the powers of the board? Also, do your bylaws mention this committee chair group at all? Please quote the applicable provisions exactly, don't paraphrase.

More questions. Do you have a general membership, or just a board? If you have a general membership, how often does it meet?

Who created these committees and who appointed the committee chairs? Are the committees named in the bylaws? Or were they established by the general membership?  Or by the board?

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4 hours ago, Guest Who's Coming to Dinner said:

You're begging the question, Guest Zev. Whether the second meeting can be considered a board meeting hinges on it being properly established as a second or adjourned board meeting and on the board members receiving proper notice.

Thank you for using this phrase correctly.

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