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Meeting change

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We have a open board meeting set for Oct 9 at 6:30 pm. The board voted to have certain meetings on tuesdays and this one was chosen to take place on a Tuesday. The president wants to change it to Thursday the 11th. Does the president need the consent of the other board members to change the meeting date or can he just change it and inform the other members and residents of the change?

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Absent anything contrary in your rules, if the board voted to approve a motion that certain meetings, including this one, will be held on Tuesdays, then only the board, at a properly called meeting, can change this meeting date. The president has no authority under RONR to make such a change unilaterally.

However, if the board wants to change that meeting date, several board members could show up at the appointed meeting time and date and set an adjourned meeting for the president's preferred time and date. They are under no obligation to do that, and the Tuesday meeting could certainly be held without the president.

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There are situations where there exists sufficient reason for postponing a meeting. My feelings are that there is only a certain amount of hanky-panky that can be carried out before the board gets angry and decides to take some action against the perpetrator. I do not like the moving of the date. The people that show up and discover the officials absent may have sacrificed something to be there and have reason to be upset. There are those upset over the change and the other group that would have been upset had they been required to attend the meeting that was postponed. The presiding officer can weigh these factors and make a decision, hopefully, a decision that upsets the smallest number of people and causes the least amount of disruption. Try to get to the reason for the postponement and perhaps cutting the presiding officer some slack on this question. If, however, this type of thing happens with any frequency (you decide how many of these you will suffer) or the explanation for the reason does not go down well, then in that eventuality some form of disciplinary measure may be appropriate.

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Can an executive board hold a meeting at a residential home (someone's home)?  Does Robert's Rules have anything on this?  The situation is this...Mr. Chairman called an "Emergency Meeting," our bylaw doesn't stated/specific what an Emergency Meeting was, it just stated that Mr. Chairman can call an Emergency Meeting.  So, Mr. Chairman text his board that we going to have an emergency meeting and someone asked to see whats the meeting is about, but Mr. Chairman refused to tell what's the meeting is about.  Mr. Chairman gathering his board into one of the board member home and conducted a meeting.  Is Mr. Chairman's action right?  Is it right to hold meeting at such place? 

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19 minutes ago, Guest Member X said:

Can an executive board hold a meeting at a residential home (someone's home)?  Does Robert's Rules have anything on this?  The situation is this...Mr. Chairman called an "Emergency Meeting," our bylaw doesn't stated/specific what an Emergency Meeting was, it just stated that Mr. Chairman can call an Emergency Meeting.  So, Mr. Chairman text his board that we going to have an emergency meeting and someone asked to see whats the meeting is about, but Mr. Chairman refused to tell what's the meeting is about.  Mr. Chairman gathering his board into one of the board member home and conducted a meeting.  Is Mr. Chairman's action right?  Is it right to hold meeting at such place? 

There is nothing in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition, that prohibits an executive board from meeting in someone's residence. I would suggest you check the organization's bylaws regarding meeting notice requirements for such an "emergency" meeting. If this a public governmental meeting, check with a lawyer about compliance with your jurisdiction's public open meetings laws.

Also, if this is a new question, in the future, please post a new query.


Edited by Steven Britton
Added last sentence.
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8 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

We have a open board meeting set for Oct 9 at 6:30 pm. The board voted to have certain meetings on tuesdays and this one was chosen to take place on a Tuesday. The president wants to change it to Thursday the 11th. Does the president need the consent of the other board members to change the meeting date or can he just change it and inform the other members and residents of the change?

If the rules in RONR apply, the president doesn't have the power to overrule a decision of the board, so the meeting date stands.

The problem is that it is not enough to get the consent of the other board members.  He must get consent from the Board itself, and the board can only act at a board meeting.  So unless there is a meeting scheduled between now and October 9th, the board itself can't change the date either.

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