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No Confidence

Guest LaNette

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President steps down officially and in writing, Vice President is now President. No sitting Vice President (nominations open but no vote yet must wait another month) and President gets a vote of No Confidence (removing him from office). Secretary can refuse  to run meeting. What is now the procedure?

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How does a "No Confidence" vote remove the president (the erstwhile VP, I presume) from office?  RONR has no such rule; do yours? (It would have to be in the bylaws.)

If the secretary "refuses" to run the meeting -- preside, that is -- elect someone else as president pro-tem and carry on.

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I am having trouble distinguishing assertions about RONR/parliamentary law (some of which are incorrect) and statements about your bylaws. Can you clarify how much of this is coming from your bylaws? In particular, where is this "no confidence" business coming from (not from RONR), and from where do you infer that the Secretary can "refuse" to run a meeting? So far as RONR is concerned, the Secretary is not even supposed to run a meeting (unless elected chair pro tem).

I'll assume the resignation was accepted, the prior VP became P, the Vice Presidency is vacant, and something in your rules requires you to wait a month. I don't know what to do with "nominations are now open" so I'll ignore that. I'll assume something in your rules allows you to remove the President without a disciplinary process and without electing a new President in the process (in RONR, the way to make the President removable is to use the phrase "until a successor is elected" which avoids this problem). What should happen at your next meeting is that the Secretary should call the meeting to order and preside over the election of a chair pro tem. Notice should then be given of elections to fill the vacancies (assuming the body meeting is the one authorized to fill the vacancies, which without any rule to the contrary is the body which elected them in the first place), and at the next meeting, the Secretary should again call the meeting to order, a chair pro tem should again be elected, and an election should be held.

If the Secretary refuses to call the meeting to order, or is unable to or absent, anyone can call it to order. You'll also need to elect a secretary pro tem.

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As stated in FAQ #7:

The term “vote of no confidence” is not used or defined anywhere in RONR, and there is no mention of any motion for such a vote. However, this does not mean that an assembly cannot adopt a motion, if it wishes, expressing either its confidence or lack of confidence in any of its officers or subordinate boards or committees. Any such motion would simply be a main motion, and would have no effect other than to express the assembly's views concerning the matter. A vote of “no confidence” does not -- as it would in the British Parliament -- remove an officer from office.

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