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By laws and policy

Guest Lisa

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The organization I belong voted in a new government structure via by-laws  in 2015-2016 as part of this new structure we voted in a policy that replaced our Sustainer Advisor Board  ( getting rid of it ) and creating a  Sustainer Committee  which names who over sees it etc. 

We  recently  found a statement in  an old policy ( that was written    In 2007 that stil names the Sustainer Advisor Board and states the PE is the liaison to that committee. ) this goes against the new government structure as well as the theory of our government structure. It also goes against the new policy that was written in 2015-2016 


Some members are saying we have to follow the line in this policy and keep the PE as the liaison others are saying that because we have written  the new policy that changed the structure we can just take that line out of the other policy 

Please advise 


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While I agree with Mr. Kapur that bylaws are superior to other policies (except statutes and the organizational constitution, if any), I don't see a conflict here, I see a meaningless appointment of the PE as liason to a non-existent committee. In my opinion, the policy doesn't obligate anything, but if the organization wants the PE to be the liason to the Sustainer Committee, it should amend the policy to that effect.

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13 hours ago, Joshua Katz said:

While I agree with Mr. Kapur that bylaws are superior to other policies (except statutes and the organizational constitution, if any), I don't see a conflict here

I don't necessarily see one here, either. I said "If the policy conflicts...", which is something for the organization to determine. 

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