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Informal Discussion

Guest controversialcabbage

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Guest controversialcabbage

Hello all,

The board of directors I'm on just had a RRONR Parliamentary Procedure presentation and I am left feeling uncertain about one aspect of the rules pertaining to small boards. 

During informal discussion under the small board rules is it still required that each board members address only the chair, or is cross conversation between board members permitted?

If it is so that we must only address the chair during informal discussion without a motion pending, we may create a standing rule suspending that specific rule to allow for easier informal conversation. 

Closely related to my above question: If a board member puts forth a proposal, while it is open to the group for discussion, must all questions pertaining to the proposal be directed at the chair and then filtered back to the person who drafted the motion, or can questions only answerable by the drafter of the motion be directed at the drafter?


Thank you for helping clear this up. The presenter was well versed in RRONR and greatly helped inform our group of general rules but the distinction in rules between general assemblies and small boards merit the knowledge of parliamentarians.

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3 hours ago, Guest controversialcabbage said:

During informal discussion under the small board rules is it still required that each board members address only the chair, or is cross conversation between board members permitted?

The rule that board members address only the chair still applies under the small board rules. Cross conversation between board members is permitted.

3 hours ago, Guest controversialcabbage said:

If it is so that we must only address the chair during informal discussion without a motion pending, we may create a standing rule suspending that specific rule to allow for easier informal conversation. 

This would be a special rule of order, not a standing rule, but yes.

3 hours ago, Guest controversialcabbage said:

Closely related to my above question: If a board member puts forth a proposal, while it is open to the group for discussion, must all questions pertaining to the proposal be directed at the chair and then filtered back to the person who drafted the motion, or can questions only answerable by the drafter of the motion be directed at the drafter?

All questions must be directed to the chair.

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46 minutes ago, J. J. said:

If your board was larger, I'd suggest using a committee of the whole.

Would Committee of the Whole accomplish the OP’s objective? My understanding is that the rules in question apply in committees as well.

I concur that a recess or a motion to suspend the rules would work.

Edited by Josh Martin
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7 hours ago, Guest controversialcabbage said:

If it is so that we must only address the chair during informal discussion without a motion pending, we may create a standing rule suspending that specific rule to allow for easier informal conversation. 

You could pass a special rule of order, but I'd advise strongly against it.  The rule is there for some very good reasons, which may become apparent if you unwisely get rid of it.  The rule does not restrict what a member could otherwise say but does have the effect of causing members to phrase their remarks in such a way that all members are addressed, not just a single member.

Except for essentially outlawing the use of the pronoun you, it's really not a hindrance to communication, once you get used to it.

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20 hours ago, Josh Martin said:

The rule that board members address only the chair still applies under the small board rules. Cross conversation between board members is permitted.


16 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

Is there a missing not in there?

Yes, I would say we have a not hole there.  :unsure:

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On 1/11/2019 at 5:58 PM, Josh Martin said:

Would Committee of the Whole accomplish the OP’s objective? My understanding is that the rules in question apply in committees as well.

I concur that a recess or a motion to suspend the rules would work.

It is a board, so technically in could go into a committee of the whole.  I do not see any value in doing so.

You can speak any number of times, so prefacing each reply with "Mr. Chairman" would at least come close to accomplishing OP's desire.

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