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Change individual vote

Guest learningtheropes

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Guest learningtheropes

HOA board meeting; we made motions and voted. Once the minutes are sent out, a member asks to change their vote on 2 topics. Neither will change the outcome.

I understand that after the results are read (at the meeting), a member may change their vote with a general consensus. But do they have the right to change their vote after the meeting has adjourned and it's a day later?

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Agreeing with Mr. Katz, in at least two places RONR makes it plain that a request to change one's vote after the result has been announced must be made immediately after the announcement of the vote result and can also be done only with unanimous consent.  It seems clear that asking to change a vote after the meeting has adjourned is out of order.  See, for example pages 48 and pages 408-409.

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5 hours ago, Guest learningtheropes said:

So, we would need to get a general consensus or make a motion to change it at our next meeting, (where we would typically motion to approve the prior minutes). Is that correct?


I can't say if this is correct or not because I'm not sure I understand. If the minutes contain a list of how members voted on a vote not taken by roll call, in my view, they should be amended so that they do not do so. They should not be amended to change how the member in question voted, because that would make them inaccurate, because the member does not have the right to change his vote at this time.

If the member wishes to record his new feelings about the motion for posterity, and potentially change the outcome, he should move to rescind something previously adopted, which would show an adept historian that he changed his mind. 

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5 hours ago, Guest learningtheropes said:

It was not a roll call vote.

So, we would need to get a general consensus or make a motion to change it at our next meeting, (where we would typically motion to approve the prior minutes). Is that correct?

Thanks for your help!

No.  It's too late.  And since it was not a roll call vote, and the vote was not recorded, how can you be sure how this member voted?

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