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Non-member participation


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29 minutes ago, DeaconJones said:

I understand that a non-member can speak through a majority vote and can participate in debate through a 2/3 majority vote. My question is does this motion have to be made at every meeting, or can a rule be made  that makes it a permanent practice?

A Special Rule of Order can be adopted making it a permanent practice

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The rule would be adopted by the group that wants to hear what the deacon has to say.

I am presuming that a "session" is equivalent to a Board of Directors in a secular association.  

But for my own information, isn't a "Deacon" a member of the Board/Session?  And hence has a member's right to speak? Or is there another sub-group involved?

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Different organizations have very different terms for equivalent things.  In order to know for certain the situation, we would need to understand at least an outline of what is meant by a "session", what the relationship is of the deacon to the congregation & to the session, and if the bylaws say anything...  In particular, questions about the process of discipline for an ill-behaved deacon matter, as does the desired formal relationship between the session and the deacon should relationship sour.  (Sorry to bring such things up, but rules matter a great deal more when there is conflict than when there is not.)

The most simple solution would be to adopt a special rule of order giving the deacon the right to attend and to address the session.  But you want to consider carefully what the effect would be should the session go into executive session, and include the desired language in the rule.

If you believe (and expect that the congregation would agree) that the deacon should be present at meetings of the board even if there is conflict, a bylaws change to make the deacon a non-voting ex-officio member would achieve that goal, but again, one should consider the situation should the session wish (or be required) to be part of a disciplinary process.


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