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Motions from executive board

Guest James Severance

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53 minutes ago, Guest James Severance said:

What I am looking to determine is if the executive board (president, secretary, treasurer) can make motions.


46 minutes ago, Greg Goodwiller said:

A board can make recommendations, which can then, by the person who makes the report of by any other member, be offered as motions for the adoption of the recommendations.

Guest James, I agree with Mr. Goodwiller's response, but want to make sure I understand your question.  Are you asking if the board itself... as a board....  can make a motion?   Or are you asking if individdual board members can make motions?

Mr. Goodwiller correctly answered your question if it is the former.... whether the board itself can make a motion. 

If your question is whether individual board members can make motions,  the answer is yes, but with a caveat.  Unless it is a small board operating under the "small board rules" of RONR, the president should not make motions to preserve the appearance of impartiality.  However, if it is a small board operating under the small board rules, the president may participate and make motions just  like the other board members.

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Guest James Severance

Ok I think I understand but to be clear lets say I, the secretary, want to make a motion on topic A. Can i make said motion or can only a trustee (non secretary, treasurer, president) make motion A but one of the aforementioned recommend motion A?

is that confusing enough lol

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Generally, any member of the group that is meeting can make a motion. Mr. Brown correctly mentions that the Presiding Officer should not do so, unless it is a small group.

So if the members of the Executive Board are also members of your larger Board of Trustees, then they have full rights at meetings of the Board of Trustees.

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1 hour ago, Hieu H. Huynh said:

Not more than about a dozen members. Your board is a small board.

And although the phrase is (for Robert's Rules) unusually vague by not giving a definitive answer for how many, Mr. Huynh's words are actually quoted directly from RONR. The full quote is, "In a board meeting where there are not more than about a dozen members present, some of the formality that is necessary in a large assembly would hinder business" (RONR pg. 487, ll. 26-29). Then follow a list of rules that are relaxed in those groups. So there is room for a board to make its own determination about how it wants to proceed.

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