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Standing Rule of Special Rule of Order?

Roman Garcia

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I'm wanting to adopt two rules (below) for a student council I am a member of.  Would you suggest these be adopted as standing rules or special rules of orders?  No matter how much I read up on it I still get the two confused and what would apply as a standing rule and a special rule of order.  Thank you!


Section 1.1 - Order of Business.  The order of business for meetings shall be as follows:

Call to Order
Roll Call
Introduction of Visitors
Officers and HCHSA Members Open Forum
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Reports of Officers
4. Reports of Standing Committees
5. Reports of Special Committees
6. Special Orders
7. Unfinished Business and General Orders
8. New Business
9. Announcements


Section 1.1 - Approval.  All expenditures of Student Council funds shall be approved by a two-thirds vote.  This approval may either be in advance of the expenditure or as a reimbursement.  The Student Council shall not be obligated to reimburse any person for expenditures made without prior approval.

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The first one is very clearly a rule in the nature of a rule of order as it deals with the transaction of business within a meeting (p. 15, ll. 9-11).  An order of business is specifically mentioned as something that is a rule in the nature of a rule of order (p. 16, ll. 7-9).

Likewise, the setting of a vote threshold deals with the transaction of business within a meeting.  That is a rule in the nature of a rule of order as well.


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23 minutes ago, Roman.76 said:

No matter how much I read up on it I still get the two confused and what would apply as a standing rule and a special rule of order.  Thank you!

Imagine you joined a bowling league. Rules about bowling would be standing rules. Rules about meetings (at which no bowling happens, but where you make decisions about bowling, about funds for bowling, etc.) would be special rules of order.

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