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nominations not sent to club members

Guest Joanne

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The slate of officers was not sent to club members and nominations from the floor were not taken at all.  The annual meeting to elect officers is coming very soon...is there  a way to correct this?   Can a vote for the nominees still be held?   Can  the annual meeting be postponed?  Of course, the bylaws call for the slate to be sent to the membership and nominations to be taken from the floor and, as I indicated, neither of these happened.   Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Guest Joanne said:

Can a vote for the nominees still be held?  


1 hour ago, Guest Joanne said:

Can  the annual meeting be postponed?

Well, that's problematic, but the elections themselves can be postponed once they are pending. They can be postponed to the next regular meeting, or to a special meeting, or to an adjourned meeting .

What exactly do your bylaws say about when the annual meeting shall be held?


1 hour ago, Guest Joanne said:

is there  a way to correct this?  

Besides postponing the elections, you can take nominations from the floor prior to the election and members can cast write-in votes unless they are prohibited by the bylaws.

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Someone could raise a point of order that the slate was not distributed as required by the bylaws. That same someone could suggest that the elections should be postponed (not the entire annual meeting, just the elections). It would be up to the chair to rule on that point of order and that ruling could be appealed.

I'm assuming that your bylaws call for "nominations from the floor" at some meeting or time before the annual meeting, but that error (not having the nominations then) is easily corrected: When the elections proceed, then you could open nominations from the floor immediately before the election for each office is held.

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11 hours ago, Richard Brown said:


Well, that's problematic, but the elections themselves can be postponed once they are pending. They can be postponed to the next regular meeting, or to a special meeting, or to an adjourned meeting .

What exactly do your bylaws say about when the annual meeting shall be held?


Besides postponing the elections, you can take nominations from the floor prior to the election and members can cast write-in votes unless they are prohibited by the bylaws.

The bylaws state the annual meeting shall be held in August at which officers and directors for the ensuing official year shall be elected by secret ballot from among those nominated.  They shall take office immediately upon conclusion of the election.     

additional nominations may be made at the April meeting, and nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than provided above...(referring to April)

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1 hour ago, Guest Joanne said:

The bylaws state the annual meeting shall be held in August at which officers and directors for the ensuing official year shall be elected by secret ballot from among those nominated.  They shall take office immediately upon conclusion of the election.     

additional nominations may be made at the April meeting, and nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than provided above...(referring to April)

1. Do the bylaws actually say "from among those nominated"?

2. Is this an actual quote? "nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than provided above."

3. Do I understand correctly that nominations from the floor are taken at the April meeting but the election doesn't take place until the August meeting?  

4. Do the bylaws say anything specifically about write in ballots? 

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On 8/22/2019 at 6:59 AM, Guest Joanne said:

The bylaws state the annual meeting shall be held in August at which officers and directors for the ensuing official year shall be elected by secret ballot from among those nominated.

Then it seems the annual meeting itself almost certainly may not be postponed (at least not very far - there isn’t much time left in August), however, an adjourned meeting could be set and the elections postponed to that meeting.

If the bylaws specifically provide, however, that the officers and directors must be elected from among the officers and directors, that nominations may be made at the April meeting, and that they cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any other matter, it is not clear how postponing the election will help.

On 8/22/2019 at 6:59 AM, Guest Joanne said:

additional nominations may be made at the April meeting, and nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than provided above...(referring to April)

The bylaws specifically state this?

Edited by Josh Martin
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59 minutes ago, Richard Brown said:

1. Do the bylaws actually say "from among those nominated"?     Yes, meaning from among those nominated by the nominating committee and those who may be nominated from the April meeting

2. Is this an actual quote? "nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than provided above."   Yes, it is an actual quote.

3. Do I understand correctly that nominations from the floor are taken at the April meeting but the election doesn't take place until the August meeting?      Yes, correct 

4. Do the bylaws say anything specifically about write in ballots?    No, nothing


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