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In Camera Meeting Minutes

Guest Sally

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As a School Board Trustee do I have the right to see Minutes from the previous meeting.  Normally we approve the Minutes but lately, because of a very sensitive issue we are not receiving anything with the next Agenda.  Do we need to approve those Minutes from a previous meeting?

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1 minute ago, Guest Sally said:

As a School Board Trustee do I have the right to see Minutes from the previous meeting.  Normally we approve the Minutes but lately, because of a very sensitive issue we are not receiving anything with the next Agenda.  Do we need to approve those Minutes from a previous meeting?

The minutes for any kind of meeting of a deliberative assembly must be approved, yes, and if you were a member of the assembly that was meeting in executive session you would have a right to see those minutes, but again, they need approved. The sensitivity of the matter is irrelevant as far as a requirement to approve minutes.

With regards to executive sessions there are additional rules - "The minutes, or record of proceedings, of an executive session must be read and acted upon only in executive session, unless that which would be reported in the minutes—that is, the action taken, as distinct from that which was said in debate—was not secret, or secrecy has been lifted by the assembly. When the minutes of an executive session must be considered for approval at an executive session held solely for that purpose, the brief minutes of the latter meeting are, or are assumed to be, approved by that meeting. "  RONR (11th ed.), p. 96

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