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Bringing Back to Committee

Guest Emily

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Hi All-

At a City committee meeting (3 members - all also City Council members), there was a unanimous vote to recommend the City Council amend an ordinance.  Now a committee member (John) has changed his mind and wants additional discussion on the ordinance at the committee before it goes to Council.  John wants to know if he can get it back on the committee agenda before it goes to Council or if he will have to make a motion at Council to send it back to committee. I know it's too late for a motion to reconsider.  Could he get it on the Committee agenda with a motion to suspend the rules to allow for a reconsideration? What am I missing?

Thank you!

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8 minutes ago, Guest Emily said:

Hi All-

At a City committee meeting (3 members - all also City Council members), there was a unanimous vote to recommend the City Council amend an ordinance.  Now a committee member (John) has changed his mind and wants additional discussion on the ordinance at the committee before it goes to Council.  John wants to know if he can get it back on the committee agenda before it goes to Council or if he will have to make a motion at Council to send it back to committee. I know it's too late for a motion to reconsider.  Could he get it on the Committee agenda with a motion to suspend the rules to allow for a reconsideration? What am I missing?

Thank you!

It's not too late under the rules in RONR to move to reconsider the vote:

"RECONSIDERATION IN STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Reconsideration in a standing or a special committee (50) differs from reconsideration in a meeting of the assembly in the following respects: 
    1)    A motion to reconsider a vote in the committee can be made and taken up regardless of the time that has elapsed since the vote was taken, and there is no limit to the number of times a question can be reconsidered. Likewise, the rule requiring unanimous consent to renew a defeated motion to Reconsider does not apply in committees. 
   2)    The motion can be made by any member of the committee who did not vote with the losing side; or, in other words, the maker of the motion to Reconsider can be one who voted with the prevailing side, or one who did not vote at all, or even was absent. 
    3)    Unless all the members of the committee who voted with the prevailing side are present or have been notified that the reconsideration will be moved, it requires a two-thirds vote to adopt the motion to Reconsider. 
In other respects, reconsideration in a committee is the same as in a meeting of the society or its board. " 
RONR (11th ed.), pp. 329-330

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