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Dissenting vote

Guest Gary

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Committees in my town are encouraged to follow RONR. I serve on my towns government study committee and voted against motion because the action involved did not correctly interpret state laws. The vote was 4 to 1. Must I now support the action approved my the majority and be silent on the issue? Or can I explain why I voted no during related public meetings on the action? Thank you.  

Edited by Shmuel Gerber
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1 hour ago, Guest Gary said:

Committees in my town are encouraged to follow RONR. I serve on my towns government study committee and voted against motion because the action involved did not correctly interpret state laws. The vote was 4 to 1. Must I now support the action approved my the majority and be silent on the issue? Or can I explain why I voted no during related public meetings on the action? Thank you.  

You don't need to be silent regarding your position on the matter but you can't discuss the deliberations that went on in the committee.

"But in debate on any written or oral report in the assembly, any member of the reporting committee who does not concur has the same right as any other member of the assembly to speak individually in opposition. No one can make allusion in the assembly to what has occurred during the deliberations of the committee, however, unless it is by report of the committee or by unanimous consent."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 528


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It a not clear to me that the above quotation applies to this situation. The quote is about the situation where the parent assembly is considering the committee's report. 

I'm not certain that the "public meetings" Guest Gary is attending are analogous to the parent assembly of his committee or whether they are external bodies.

That doesn't necessarily change the answer, but it might.

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Hello. The Government Study Committee is appointed by the Town Select Board. The GSC makes recommendations to the Town on responsible government and best practice. That requires clarity on state laws, among other research which include authoritative legal opinions the GSC has but do not support the GSC action I opposed. I would like to explain that at forth coming public meetings on the subject involved. My concern is if that is not proper. It seems to me that RONR is the source for my answer. Thank you.     

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5 minutes ago, Guest Gary said:

Hello. The Government Study Committee is appointed by the Town Select Board. The GSC makes recommendations to the Town on responsible government and best practice. That requires clarity on state laws, among other research which include authoritative legal opinions the GSC has but do not support the GSC action I opposed. I would like to explain that at forth coming public meetings on the subject involved. My concern is if that is not proper. It seems to me that RONR is the source for my answer. Thank you.     

I think the citation mentioned earlier is applicable.

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Hello. The Government Study Committee is appointed by the Town Select Board. The GSC makes recommendations to the Town on responsible government and best practice. That requires clarity on state laws, among other research which include authoritative legal opinions the GSC has but do not support the GSC action I opposed. I would like to explain that at forth coming public meetings on the subject involved. My concern is if that is not proper. It seems to me that RONR is the source for my answer. Thank you.     


May I add that all town committee meetings are open to the public by state law. All town committee meeting minutes are posted for the public by state law. so I simply want to understand if under RONR I can speak during public meetings to express why I voted against the committees motion? Or do I need to support the result of the committees motion? Thank you.     

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Hello. The Government Study Committee is appointed by the Town Select Board. The GSC makes recommendations to the Town on responsible government and best practice. That requires clarity on state laws, among other research which include authoritative legal opinions the GSC has but do not support the GSC action I opposed. I would like to explain that at forth coming public meetings on the subject involved. My concern is if that is not proper. It seems to me that RONR is the source for my answer. Thank you.     


May I add that all town committee meetings are open to the public by state law. All town committee meeting minutes are posted for the public by state law. so I simply want to understand if under RONR I can speak during public meetings to express why I voted against the committees motion? Or do I need to support the result of the committees motion? Thank you.     


Thanks for your time and assistance 

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You do not have to support the motion you opposed.  You cannot act to sabotage the work but you don't have to appear to support it. You don't need to say anything about it.

The time to explain why you intend to vote for or against a motion is during the actual debate on the motion.

I'm assuming here that you are an actual member of this body, although for some reason that does not feel crystal clear.

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