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Can a President vote?

Guest Sharon

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First, a tie vote is a clear decision: their is not a majority in favour so the motion is defeated.

Under RONR, the presiding officer only votes when their vote would change the outcome. That is, if their affirmative vote would change a tie vote (= defeated) to a majority vote in favour
if their negative vote would change a majority of one vote to a tie vote.

For example, if the vote was 10-10 then the motion would be defeated. The chair could vote in favour to make it 11-10 and the motion would be adopted.
On the other hand, if the vote was 9-8, then the chair could vote against (negative) and make the vote 9-9. In that case, the motion would be defeated.

You should also check the laws that apply to your HOA.

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On 3/4/2020 at 5:29 PM, Guest Sharon said:

We live in a HOA Mobile Home Park in Florida. When holding a meeting and a vote is needed does the president vote or does he only vote to break a tie. There is nothing in our bylaws or perspectus [sic] that covers this issue.

See FAQ #1 here.

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