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Can an Inactive Board Member vote during a board meeting?

Guest Mary

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RONR only recognizes one type of member: one with full rights.

The rules for any other type of member, whether inactive or one with only certain rights, will have to be specified in your bylaws. So see what your bylaws say exactly regarding the rights of inactive members.

If the answers are not there, your group will have to interpret your bylaws to determine what their intent was. And then you should amend your bylaws to fill in those types of details.

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1 hour ago, Guest Mary said:

Can an inactive board member vote  or make a motion during during a board meeting knowing that he is not active?

Agreeing with the responses by both Mr. Huynh and Dr. Kapur, the right to vote is a basic right of membership.  If this person is a member of the board, then per the rules in RONR he has the right to vote at board meetings unless you have some rule to the contrary or unless his rights of membership have been suspended by virtue of a disciplinary proceeding.

Perhaps it will help if you explain what you mean by this person being in "inactive member".  

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