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2 Conflicting proposed bylaw changes - how do they get presented, in sequence or concurrent?

Guest PE1969

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We have a presented request for bylaw change by a member, and have a conflicting proposal by the board.  Do we present the boards change first - vote - and if passed "mute" the members proposal?  Or do we present both to be voted on concurrently?  Is there a precedent or rule applicable to this?

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2 minutes ago, Guest PE1969 said:

We have a presented request for bylaw change by a member, and have a conflicting proposal by the board.  Do we present the boards change first - vote - and if passed "mute" the members proposal?  Or do we present both to be voted on concurrently?  Is there a precedent or rule applicable to this?

"If notice is given of several amendments which conflict so that all cannot be given effect, the chair should arrange them in a logical order, much as in the case of filling blanks (12), generally taking the least inclusive amendment first and the most inclusive last so that the last one adopted is given effect. Such arrangement of the amendments can be altered by the assembly by a majority vote without debate. Adoption of such an arrangement by unanimous consent or a formal vote is not subject to a motion to Reconsider, nor may a later, separate amendment be offered as a substitute for a pending one. However, as already stated on page 592, all bylaw amendments of which notice was given should be considered, as a matter of the rights of their proposers, and a bylaw amendment is not dropped simply because it would conflict with one previously adopted."  RONR (11th ed.), pp. 593-594

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/28/2022 at 5:01 AM, MTMauro said:

When presenting the two conflicting proposals, what happens if both pass? Which takes precedent, the one voted on last?

To the extent that the two bylaw amendments conflict or are incompatible, the one adopted last would supersede the one adopted earlier. 

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Thank you

Our organization has an initial vote to post the amendment for a month as the notice, then at the next monthly meeting we have a vote to adopt the amendment. If both pass the initial vote, do both get posted or does the one voted on last get posted? I would think both and the 2nd vote is what determines the adoption, but I want to be certain in following Robert's Rules.

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On 5/3/2022 at 6:07 AM, MTMauro said:

Our organization has an initial vote to post the amendment for a month as the notice, then at the next monthly meeting we have a vote to adopt the amendment. If both pass the initial vote, do both get posted or does the one voted on last get posted? I would think both and the 2nd vote is what determines the adoption, but I want to be certain in following Robert's Rules.

RONR does not have a clear answer to this question because this "initial vote to post the amendment for a month as the notice" is unique to your organization's rules. Nonetheless, I am in agreement that (unless your rules provide otherwise) both are posted if they both pass the initial vote.

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