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New nonprofit President wants 1on 1 meeting with board members

Guest Mike E

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I agree with Chris Harrison that nothing in RONR prohibits it. It is also not that unusual. They can do all the discussing and planning they want, but no binding decisions can be made except in a properly called meeting at which all members have a right to attend and a quorum is present.

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On 8/15/2020 at 3:51 PM, Guest Mike E said:

Is it out of order or common for a President to put on the agenda that he wants a 1on 1 meeting with the board of directors off site to discuss what’s important to them?  
Seems like a power play to become King Kong. 

I did this as the president of a political student organization. As others have mentioned, nothing in RONR prohibits members of a board from gathering outside of a board meeting, but only at a properly called and quorate meeting may the board take up and dispose of matters that must be decided at a meeting.

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