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motions passed by old board

Guest Nadine

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Unless a motion contains what is colloquially called a "sunset clause", it remains in effect until it is rescinded.  RONR (11th ed.), p. 111, footnote.

The proper motion to change a main motion that was adopted and can no longer be reconsidered is Amend Something Previously Adopted, RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff.

Edited by Rob Elsman
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On 8/16/2020 at 12:28 PM, Rob Elsman said:

Unless a motion contains what is colloquially called a "sunset clause", it remains in effect until it is rescinded.  RONR (11th ed.), p. 111, footnote.

The proper motion to change a main motion that was adopted and can no longer be reconsidered is Amend Something Previously Adopted, RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff.

Or "Rescind something previously adopted", which has the same characteristics as the motion to  amend something previously adopted. It is essentially the same motion, but completely rescinds the previously adopted motion rather than just amending it.

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My only caution to Mr. Brown's comment is that, if the intent is to "change them," as Guest Nadine stated, then the proper motion is to Amend Something Previously Adopted (ASPA).

You want to avoid Rescinding and then trying to introduce a new motion. This is to avoid the situation where the old motion is rescinded but the new one is not adopted, leaving you with no motion on the topic. If the motion to ASPA fails, on the other hand, then the original motion is still there.

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Just now, Atul Kapur said:

My only caution to Mr. Brown's comment is that, if the intent is to "change them," as Guest Nadine stated, then the proper motion is to Amend Something Previously Adopted (ASPA).

You want to avoid Rescinding and then trying to introduce a new motion. This is to avoid the situation where the old motion is rescinded but the new one is not adopted, leaving you with no motion on the topic. If the motion to ASPA fails, on the other hand, then the original motion is still there.

Good catch.  I was under the impression that Guest Nadine wanted to rescind some previously adopted motions.

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