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President vote ends in tie

Guest X20

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10 hours ago, Guest X20 said:

Our election for president ended in a tie, what do we do now?

You vote again. And again and again, if necessary.  You have an incomplete election.

There are also some other options, but more information as to exactly what is happening would help us to suggest other options. One option is for the two candidates to agree among themselves that they will flip a coin and that the loser will voluntarily withdraw from the race.  

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12 hours ago, Guest X20 said:

Our election for president ended in a tie, what do we do now?

That cannot be right. For election in RONR you need a majority in the first place (more than half) so or they both were not elected (neither had more than half) or you are using plurality vote (winner is the person who got the most votes, that does not need to be a majority)

So If there are 9 voters for 3 candidates and the vote is 

Candidate A 4 votes

Candidate B 4 votes

Candidate C 1 vote

Under RONR nobody is elected and there is no tie

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2 hours ago, Guest Puzzling said:

That cannot be right.

Well, it is definitely what happened according to Guest x-20.  You've never seen an election result in a tie?  Really?  It actually happens quite often. btw, the guest posted no information to support your hypothetical.

I  think our guest is asking what his group should do since the election clearly resulted in a tie of some kind and nobody was elected.

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