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What Should be Written or Included in the “Good of the Order” Section of the Minutes?

Katrina Frazier

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Good Morning,

I am unclear regarding what to include in the minutes for the Good of the Order portion of our meetings. In general, observations and/or comments in this section are excluded from the minutes? Correct? This section is always listed as an item on our meeting agendas. Sometimes members make statements and sometimes they do not. I am looking for clarification. Thanks in advance for any assistance regarding this question.

Edited by Katrina Frazier
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  • Katrina Frazier changed the title to What Should be Written or Included in the “Good of the Order” Section of the Minutes?

You are correct that statements and comments do not belong in the minutes.  I suppose it wouldn't hurt to simply note that this particular item of business was called for and either note that no statements/comments were made or that members offered statements/comments without detailing what they were.  But that's about it.

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