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Guest Nathan

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On 3/16/2021 at 8:35 AM, Guest Nathan said:

Is there a limit on how many times a voting member may send a representative in their place?


On 3/16/2021 at 8:38 AM, Daniel H. Honemann said:

Yes, never.  🙂


2 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

Yes.  The limit is zero.

Gary, just out of curiosity, do you read the other responses before you post a response? Mr. Honneman posted his clear and unambiguous response a good 10 hours or so before you posted your response that said exactly the same thing. It’s not like you were both responding at the same time.  Just curious.  :)

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14 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

Gary, just out of curiosity, do you read the other responses before you post a response? Mr. Honneman posted his clear and unambiguous response a good 10 hours or so before you posted your response that said exactly the same thing. It’s not like you were both responding at the same time.  Just curious.  :)

It's not exactly the same, since "never" is a point in time, presumably in the infinite future, whereas "zero" is an integer value, 

Beyond that, even if they were exactly the same, I guess I fail to appreciate the harm done, or perceived to have been done, by the repetition.  I'm sure there are many examples in many threads of answers that are virtual duplicates that have gone unreprimanded.  I will admit that, on occasion, I post an answer before having read all the way to the bottom of a thread, but I don't think that was true of this instance.  Even so, I think the damage is minimal.

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