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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Election Procedure

Guest cmbperc

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Over the last few weeks I have seen a number of questions on voting.  I thought I had a good understanding of how those other questions did or didn't relate to our non-profit group.  Now, I'm not so sure.  Our bylaws read as follows--

[e] The ten [10] members receiving the largest number of votes on the general election ballot shall constitute the Board of Directors for the next calendar year.

What we have been doing is one ballot and the top ten members receiving votes are named as the new Board.  I've gotten somewhat confused when the terms  plurality and preferential come up because I can't figure if we are doing either of those.   

Any thoughts??  It is hard enough to get members to do one ballot, I don't believe they would agree to do a separate ballot for each of the ten postitions on the Board.

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Assuming that there is nothing else in your bylaws that applies...

What you are describing as your process matches what is written in your bylaws.

RONR says that individuals require a majority of votes to be elected, but your bylaws are superior so that does not apply to your organization for the election of your ten directors.

BTW, what your bylaws describe is the definition of "plurality": the person(s) who received more votes than any others.

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26 minutes ago, Guest cmbperc said:

Any thoughts??  It is hard enough to get members to do one ballot, I don't believe they would agree to do a separate ballot for each of the ten postitions on the Board.

I agree with Dr. Kapur, but even if the RONR standard of a majority of the votes cast were the requirement to be elected, you could still vote on one ballot.  Repeated balloting may be necessary though.

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