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Disposing of Main Motion seconded, but never voted on

Guest Shannon

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At a PTA association meeting, a member made a motion to appoint an individual as a committee chair, as provided in the bylaws.  The motion was seconded.  In discussion it came up that the committee had not yet been formed.  Rather than request permission to withdraw the motion, the mover made a second motion to create the committee and appoint the chair.  That second motion was seconded, discussion occurred, it was adopted.  The meeting was adjourned with the first motion never disposed of.

How do we dispose of the original motion (or do we need to) at the next meeting?  (Taking a stab: the mover of the original motion requests permission to reconsider and to withdraw the motion?  Move, second, discuss, vote, majority required?)


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I can think of several ways to handle it, but since this is a theoretically impossible situation, none of them are particularly satisfying.  One thing is certain, it's too late to use the motion to Reconsider.

For future reference, here's how it could have been handled:

  • Motion to appoint Bob Loblaw as chair of the Duck Pond Committee.
  • Someone notes that there is no such committee, and moves to amend the pending motion by inserting at the top: "Establish a Duck Pond Committee and
  • If approved, vote on the motion to Establish a Duck Pond Committee and appoint Bob Loblaw as chair of the Duck Pond Committee.


In your current situation, the simplest thing would be to simply renew (move again) the motion to appoint the chair of the committee, under New Business.

If you'd like to handle it earlier in the meeting, you could consider the question of appointing the chair under Unfinished Business.



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7 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

I can think of several ways to handle it, but since this is a theoretically impossible situation, none of them are particularly satisfying.  One thing is certain, it's too late to use the motion to Reconsider.

For future reference, here's how it could have been handled:

  • Motion to appoint Bob Loblaw as chair of the Duck Pond Committee.
  • Someone notes that there is no such committee, and moves to amend the pending motion by inserting at the top: "Establish a Duck Pond Committee and
  • If approved, vote on the motion to Establish a Duck Pond Committee and appoint Bob Loblaw as chair of the Duck Pond Committee.


In your current situation, the simplest thing would be to simply renew (move again) the motion to appoint the chair of the committee, under New Business.

If you'd like to handle it earlier in the meeting, you could consider the question of appointing the chair under Unfinished Business.

They already have appointed the chair of the committee.

The only question at this point is what to do about the original motion to appoint the committee chair.

11 hours ago, Guest Shannon said:

Rather than request permission to withdraw the motion, the mover made a second motion to create the committee and appoint the chair. 


11 hours ago, Guest Shannon said:

How do we dispose of the original motion (or do we need to) at the next meeting?  (Taking a stab: the mover of the original motion requests permission to reconsider and to withdraw the motion?  Move, second, discuss, vote, majority required?)

In these particular circumstances, I am inclined to agree with AlanH that the original motion is already disposed of, since the motions were so closely related and both were made by the same person. It seems to me this should have been treated as a request by the motion maker to modify the motion.

"To modify a motion after it has been stated by the chair, the maker asks permission to do so, as in the case of withdrawal of a motion. If there is no objection, the chair states the question on the modified motion. If anyone objects, the chair must then determine whether an amendment equivalent to the requested modification would be in order. If not, the modification may not be made unless a motion to suspend the rules is made and adopted. If a motion for such an amendment is in order, the chair can assume it or any member can move it formally. The amendment requires a second if moved by the member who originally made the request. The rules governing consideration of amendments are followed (see 12). A pending motion can be amended only by vote or unanimous consent of the assembly, even if the maker of the motion states that he “accepts” the amendment. (See also treatment of “friendly amendments,” 12:91.)" RONR (12th ed.) 33:19

Edited by Josh Martin
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