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Classes of membership

Guest gwhns@yahoo.ca

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6 hours ago, Guest gwhns@yahoo.ca said:

Is it possible for the Board of Directors to be a made a "class of member" and what would be the consequences?

Not sure what exactly you want.

Boardmembers and officers have a fiduciary duty towards the organisation 

Also do you include ex-boardmembers , officers and ex-officers in this class?

If it is only for present boardmembers and officers it might be better to add it to the bylaws articles on boardmembers than to make a new class of members.

If you want to give them special rights regarding quorum or voting then a special class of members might be needed.

What exactly does the organisation want this class for?


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On 4/29/2021 at 11:01 AM, Guest gwhns@yahoo.ca said:

Is it possible for the Board of Directors to be a made a "class of member" and what would be the consequences?

That would depend on what rules you make that apply in different ways to different classes of member.

In any organization with a board, directors and other officers are already differentiated by virtue of being members of the board, which general members of the organization are not.  Assuming that all the members of the board are also members of the general membership then in that way they are the same as other members (except while the board is meeting).  

If that's not enough of a distinction, then I'd have to ask what sort of consequences are you trying to create?

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