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Executive Board minutes - NY

Guest Brenda Wright

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Guest Brenda Wright

Our NY Teachers' Association constitution allows for any member to observe our executive board meetings. Following Robert's Rules is in our constitution. A member has recently requested executive board minutes. Do we need to give the member our minutes? Do the minutes need to be redacted if a confidential matter is dealt with? We are in NY, so I do not know if New York state law would influence this in any way.

Thank you,


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36 minutes ago, Guest Brenda Wright said:

Our NY Teachers' Association constitution allows for any member to observe our executive board meetings. Following Robert's Rules is in our constitution. A member has recently requested executive board minutes. Do we need to give the member our minutes? Do the minutes need to be redacted if a confidential matter is dealt with? We are in NY, so I do not know if New York state law would influence this in any way.

So far as RONR is concerned, only members of the Executive Board have a right to view minutes of the Executive Board. If the organization has not adopted its own rules on this matter, it is entirely at the board's discretion whether the board's minutes, or some redacted version of the minutes, should be shared with members of the full association.

Any procedural rules in New York state law on this matter will take precedence over RONR, but what such laws may provide is beyond the scope of this forum.

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On 5/14/2021 at 6:43 AM, Guest Brenda Wright said:

Our NY Teachers' Association constitution allows for any member to observe our executive board meetings. Following Robert's Rules is in our constitution. A member has recently requested executive board minutes. Do we need to give the member our minutes? Do the minutes need to be redacted if a confidential matter is dealt with? We are in NY, so I do not know if New York state law would influence this in any way.

Thank you,


The right to attend a meeting does not automatically grant the right to a copy of the minutes. 

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