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Guest John T

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Such a committee could (and should) provided for in the bylaws, or else the annual meeting body could appoint such a committee. Absent authorization from one or the other, the board cannot on its own select such a committee. But, of course, the body could direct the board to appoint such a committee. 

Note that this answer is based on RONR, and so is not related to your description of the organization as a not-for-profit. Applicable laws could say something different.

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14 minutes ago, Guest John T said:

Is it acceptable to have the board of directors of a not-for-profit select a committee to review and approve the minutes of an annual meeting so as to not wait a year to have minutes approved?

Under RONR it is acceptable that the annual meeting select a committee to review and approve the minutes of the annual meeting.  I am not sure of the board of directors can select such a committee. 

It depends on what your bylaws say about the board which power it has and so on.

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The board does not have the authority to approve the minutes of the annual general membership meeting or to appoint a committee to do so unless your bylaws give it that power.  However, the membership itself, at the annual meeting, can (and should) authorize the board or a committee to approve the minutes of the annual meeting.

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