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Past President - elected replacement

Guest Loretta

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If the current President runs for office for another term, do they give up the position of IPP.  Our bylaws indicate we elect a replacement for IPP if the person sits in office for a second/third term.  I am curious as to what should be the protocol if they decide to run and loose?  I would think they likewise forfeit their Past President position as well.

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Guest Loretta, please copy and paste the exact wording of your bylaws regarding the immediate past president and when and how he should be replaced. Don’t paraphrase, please quote exactly.

Normally a president doesn’t become a past president or immediate past president until he is no longer president. The immediate past president, if you have one, usually remains the immediate past president until the current president ceases to be president. Apparently, your bylaws  contain unusual wording and we must read it.  Ultimately, this is probably going to be a matter of bylaws interpretation which is something only the members of your organization can do. We can give you our opinions, but your organization must interpret its own bylaws.

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Ere at this forum most (if tall) are against giving the immediate past president automatically an other office. Let at least have the assembly a vote on it.

I was once toying with a suggestion to adopt a rule that only a past president can de the chairman of a nominating committee,  but even that is I think better as a custom/ suggestion than as a bylaw rule.

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7 hours ago, Guest Loretta said:

If the current President runs for office for another term, do they give up the position of IPP.  Our bylaws indicate we elect a replacement for IPP if the person sits in office for a second/third term.  I am curious as to what should be the protocol if they decide to run and loose?  I would think they likewise forfeit their Past President position as well.

If they run and lose, they are clearly the immediate past president.  Why would you think they would forfeit anything?

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