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Ad Hoc Committee

Guest C Mcfarren

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When a chair appoints an ad hoc committee consisting of 4 board members, and several of the other board members attend the first ad hoc committee is it appropriate for the newly appointed chair of this committee to give the other board members (not ad hoc committee members) the floor to interject multiple times during the meeting?  It seems counter productive for non committee members to be able to put their two cents in at every turn. 

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yes I raised the issue that we are not being given an opportunity to discuss the issue at hand amongst the committee members (we were 15 mins into the meeting).  The Board member then proceeded to say that she has a right as a board member to attend all committee meetings and she can participate how she sees fit.  She was not appointed to this committee but she would like to micro manage it.  Is there anything in the rules about this and if so what can I do to avoid this in the next meeting.  The chair simply calls on her when she raises her hand and continuously gives her the floor.  Sorry if this is a duplicate reply.

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No, this is not proper or appropriate procedure. The board member and other persons present who are not members of the committee are essentially present as guests of the committee. The chair should maintain better control.  The committee quite possibly has the right to completely exclude nonmembers from its meetings, but that depends on several factors.

Much depends on the nature of the committee and what its purpose is. If it is a committee which is supposed to investigate something which might require persons to appear before the committee, then of course those rules must be relaxed in order for the committee to properly do its job. However, if the committee’s  purpose is primarily to deliberate, rather than to investigate, then restricting the “rights” of nonmembers to speak and even to attend can be much more limited.

Much also depends on whether the organization has rules in place permitting others to attend and participate at committee meetings. We cannot give you a more specific answer without having more information. I do feel confident, however, in saying that a board member, just by virtue of being a board member, does not have the right to attend and speak at will at committee meetings unless that board member is also a member of the committee.  It’s up to the committee chairman to maintain better control.

Edited by Richard Brown
Added last sentence
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30 minutes ago, Guest C Mcfarren said:

The Board member then proceeded to say that she has a right as a board member to attend all committee meetings and she can participate how she sees fit. 

This is false, unless your own rules happen to say this. If the rules in RONR apply, only members of the body that is meeting have the right to attend and participate. All others attend and participate only with the permission of that body.

32 minutes ago, Guest C Mcfarren said:

Is there anything in the rules about this and if so what can I do to avoid this in the next meeting. 

You should raise a point of order and appeal if necessary. Or make a motion to set rules for the attendance and participation of non-members.

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You might find the following language from section 50:27 of RONR (12th Ed.) useful: 

“50:27 When a committee is to make substantive recommendations or decisions on an important matter, it should give members of the society an opportunity to appear before it and present their views on the subject at a time scheduled by the committee. Such a meeting is usually called a hearing. During actual deliberations of the committee, only committee members have the right to be present.”  (Emphasis added). 


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