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Action Items vs. Discussion Items

Guest Val

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On 10/16/2023 at 1:15 PM, Guest Val said:

The Academic Senate where I work has always defined business or action items as items that require a vote and discussion items as just that discussion which does not require a vote.  Is there anywhere that defines these terms?

I don't know if there is "anywhere" that defines these terms, but these terms are not used in Robert's Rules of Order, which is what this forum is concerned with.

Why do you ask?

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A deliberate assembly is free to adopt its own order of business, either by adopting a special rule of order or by adopting a bylaw.  A society that has adopted Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition as its parliamentary authority is otherwise bound to use the standard order of business at RONR (12th ed.) 41:5 as its established order of business, unless the standard order of business is inapplicable or the assembly meets less frequently than the quarterly time interval.

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On 10/16/2023 at 11:18 AM, Josh Martin said:

I don't know if there is "anywhere" that defines these terms, but these terms are not used in Robert's Rules of Order, which is what this forum is concerned with.

Why do you ask?

Our bylaws do not define the terms, but do state "The Agenda may be amended from the floor by a simple majority vote to delete action items, add or delete discussion items, and reorder the agenda."  The Chair has interpreted this to mean that faculty members may not amend the agenda from the floor with items that need a vote from the senate body.

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On 10/16/2023 at 2:15 PM, Guest Val said:

The Academic Senate where I work has always defined business or action items as items that require a vote and discussion items as just that discussion which does not require a vote.  Is there anywhere that defines these terms?

RONR makes no distinction between "action" and "discussion" items, so there are no definitions for these terms.  An item of business by the rules in RONR occurs in the form of a motion.  It is up to the assembly whether they wish to act upon it, or merely discuss it and defer further action to a future time, or indefinitely.  

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On 10/16/2023 at 4:38 PM, Guest Val said:

Our bylaws do not define the terms, but do state "The Agenda may be amended from the floor by a simple majority vote to delete action items, add or delete discussion items, and reorder the agenda."  The Chair has interpreted this to mean that faculty members may not amend the agenda from the floor with items that need a vote from the senate body.

This ruling may be appealed by any two members and put before the assembly to decide by majority vote if the chair's interpretation is correct.  See Appeal §24.  I believe that even if that was the intent of the rule, it would also be subject to a motion to Suspend the Rules §25, but that would require a two-thirds vote.

Also, is there any reason why your rules would not permit simply making such a motion under New Business?

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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The bylaw seems to presume an established order of business that neither the bylaws, special rules of order, nor the parliamentary authority prescribes; so, it will the responsibility of the assembly to determine what the bylaw means, and I would not even venture a guess.

Edited by Rob Elsman
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