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Vote by secret ballot tied?

Guest Mike T.

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On 11/24/2023 at 3:31 PM, Guest Mike T. said:

What’s the proper procedure for:

- Vote taken by secret ballot. 
- Chairperson is a voting member and has already cast a ballot 
- Vote results in a tie. 

If the ballot was for an election, the election is incomplete.  Conduct a second ballot.  Repeat until someone gets a majority. (You may reopen nominations between ballots if that would help.)

If the ballot was to decide a motion, the motion fails.

In either case, the chair does not get to vote twice.

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On 11/24/2023 at 2:31 PM, Guest Mike T. said:

What’s the proper procedure for:

- Vote taken by secret ballot. 
- Chairperson is a voting member and has already cast a ballot 
- Vote results in a tie. 

It depends on what you're voting on. If this was an ordinary motion, then the motion fails. A tie vote is less than a majority, and therefore the motion is lost. The tie does not need to be broken.

If this is an election for office, then another round of voting would be held.

Edited by Josh Martin
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