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HOA Election, Candidate Forum Question


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The process has started for our upcoming Board of Directors elections.  My question/concern deals with the upcoming 'Candidate Forum'

In previous years, those attending the forum were asked to fill out cards asking their specific question to one/all of the candidates and we had a unbiased 'forum moderator' who ran the meeting, and read the questions to the candidates.   This year our HOA has advised that only pre-submitted questions will be allowed, and the format for submitting is done under the 'survey monkey' system, with no specific info as to who these questions are being submitted to.  

In my opinion,  this borders on the potential of election interference should these questions go back to any current HOA admin.  As with any election,  there may be candidates that are 'favored' by current Board or those with personal agendas, and I think with this system the potential exists for 'some candidates' to get the questions in advance.   

This may not be completely appropriate for the Roberts Rules forum, however,  I wanted to post question and ask for questions/comments, etc.  

Thank you in advance for any info.



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Well, I'd want to know who instituted this "rule" and under what authority.

Since this is an election by the membership, it seems to me that the membership would set the rules for any candidate's forum or similar event.  Unless there is something in your bylaws or the regulations for HOAs, any motions regarding nominations, elections, and the polls would have to be adopted by the membership.  The board has only such powers as are conferred upon it in the bylaws.

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