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Board Executive Session motions

Dayle Peterson

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On 6/28/2024 at 8:49 PM, Dayle Peterson said:

Our 5 member Board met in an Executive Session around a private matter. During this session, we approved 3 motions all related to this matter and I’m wondering if these motions need to be brought to the next regular Board meeting, in the interest of transparency. 
thank you. 

I agree with Mr. Katz, but would add that there should definitely be minutes of the executive session, but they should be kept separate from the  minutes of the rest of that meeting. Minutes of an executive session are normally approved at the next regular meeting, although it may be necessary to briefly go into executive session for the approval of those minutes.

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On 6/28/2024 at 7:24 PM, Richard Brown said:

Minutes of an executive session are normally approved at the next regular meeting, although it may be necessary to briefly go into executive session for the approval of those minutes.

And the minutes of that brief executive session should be approved during that very session, so as not to create an infinite loop.

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On 6/28/2024 at 9:25 PM, Joshua Katz said:

And the minutes of that brief executive session should be approved during that very session, so as not to create an infinite loop.

Do you have a citation for that? I do not recall seeing that provision in RONR. I agree that it would be nice to be able to approve the minutes of the executive session at the same session, but as a practical matter, that might not be possible. The draft minutes at that point in time probably consist of the secretary’s hand-written, rough notes. 

Edited to add: section 9:27 of RONR seems to indicate that the minutes of an executive session are usually approved at a future meeting.

Edited by Richard Brown
Added second paragraph
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On 6/28/2024 at 10:29 PM, Richard Brown said:

Edited to add: section 9:27 of RONR seems to indicate that the minutes of an executive session are usually approved at a future meeting.

Well, yes, at a future meeting following the executive session.   But the minutes of that executive session, comprising only Reading and Approval are what's referred to by:


When the minutes of an executive session must be considered for approval at an executive session held solely for that purpose, the brief minutes of the latter meeting are, or are assumed to be, approved by that meeting. [9:27]


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