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Friendly amendments

Guest Gary

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The common practice of the acceptance of so called "friendly" amendments by a motions maker is incorrect. It is, however, technically correct, (I think), for the maker of a motion to accept a change to it before the motion is presented to the body by the chair. How could this possible work though? For example the chair recognizes a member who makes a motion, then, before the chair states the motion another member jumps up and proposes a change - but wouldn't that person be out of order? There are ways, (I assume), for a chair to expedite business withe regards to non-controversial amendments but, I believe, the example I gave indicates possible problems. How is it suggested that such matters be handled?

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A suggestion for a change like you suggest is handled informally. As you suggest, the procedure works best for minor, uncontroversial changes. See RONR (10th ed.), p. 109, ll. 9-17.

Thank you (I think the thought that it's 10, not 11)

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