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Amending By-Laws

Guest Carole Thompson

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Guest Carole Thompson

As a new Parliamentarian of a chapter consisting of about 45 members, I and my committee have been faced with revising or ammending our By-Laws. I have the brief version of Roberts Rules of Order, which refers to Sec. 56 and 57 "How to Amend" in the complete book. Could you help me here to better understand how to present proposed ammendments/revisions? Thank you

Carole Thompson

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Could you help me here to better understand how to present proposed amendments/revisions?


The motion "AMEND" is probably the second-most complex subject, ranking just below "Reconsideration."

No simplification of the rules for AMEND is possible.

Simple examples of simple amendments are possible.

But the rules themselves are indeed complex, e.g.:

• the change-over of rules when confronted with the concept of "words" vs. "paragraphs".

• the unamendability of strike-outs.

• the unanswered question about what to do about global (i.e., scattered) changes.

• the limit of 3rd level ("tertiary") nesting.

Q. What specifically do you need to know?

"Revision"? -- See the section on amending bylaws in RONR, first.

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The motion "AMEND" is probably the second-most complex subject, ranking just below "Reconsideration."

Well, a motion to amend the Bylaws is really a special case of the incidental main motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted, not a subsidiary motion to Amend, but the latter may well come into play as well.

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As a new Parliamentarian of a chapter consisting of about 45 members, I and my committee have been faced with revising or ammending our By-Laws. I have the brief version of Roberts Rules of Order, which refers to Sec. 56 and 57 "How to Amend" in the complete book. Could you help me here to better understand how to present proposed ammendments/revisions? Thank you

Carole Thompson

Be sure to follow the amendment process laid out in your current bylaws (requirements for notice, etc.)

Follow the instructions given to your committee (are you supposed to come up with a revision, with amendments, or is the committee free to recommend either?)

And do go ahead and get the full version of RONR and read those sections. It's not as forbiddingly perplexing as Mr. Goldsworthy's comments may lead you to fear.

Please feel free to ask further (hopefully more specific) questions here.

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