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Guest Kass Johnson

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I serve on a Board that consists of 7 people and we use a majority vote. However, there was a vote to give approx. $180.00 to a certain charity. I was not asked to vote on this and am not sure how the voting was handled. I am new on the board but as far as I know in addition to our by laws we follow Roberts Rule of Order. There is nothing mentioned in the by laws regarding electronic voting, however there is an article regarding expenditures that states: The Board of Directors will have the authority, by majority vote of the Board, to spend up to $500.00 on any non-budgeted expenditure...anything over requires association meetings with a majority vote of those present. My questions is shouldn't I have had the opportunity to vote? Thank you

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I serve on a Board that consists of 7 people and we use a majority vote. However, there was a vote to give approx. $180.00 to a certain charity. I was not asked to vote on this and am not sure how the voting was handled. I am new on the board but as far as I know in addition to our by laws we follow Roberts Rule of Order. There is nothing mentioned in the by laws regarding electronic voting, however there is an article regarding expenditures that states: The Board of Directors will have the authority, by majority vote of the Board, to spend up to $500.00 on any non-budgeted expenditure...anything over requires association meetings with a majority vote of those present. My questions is shouldn't I have had the opportunity to vote? Thank you

shouldn't I have had the opportunity to vote?

Yes, you should have been notified of the meeting at which the vote took place. But if a notice was mailed to you but lost in the mail, the meeting was still valid. If an emergency decision was made by phone or email and this is not allowed by bylaws or applicable laws, then under RONR such a decision is not valid, but could be ratified at a properly called meeting with a quorum.

I...am not sure how the voting was handled

Ask someone the president or another board member. Find out if it was by phone, email, or at a meeting. If at a meeting, find out if all members were notified, and when (bylaws/laws may require x days notice for meetings), and whether the meeting was allowed by bylaws (special meetings can only be called if bylaws allow).

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I serve on a Board that consists of 7 people and we use a majority vote. However, there was a vote to give approx. $180.00 to a certain charity. I was not asked to vote on this and am not sure how the voting was handled. I am new on the board but as far as I know in addition to our by laws we follow Roberts Rule of Order. There is nothing mentioned in the by laws regarding electronic voting, however there is an article regarding expenditures that states: The Board of Directors will have the authority, by majority vote of the Board, to spend up to $500.00 on any non-budgeted expenditure...anything over requires association meetings with a majority vote of those present. My questions is shouldn't I have had the opportunity to vote? Thank you

Yes, you should have. In fact, if a meeting was held without notifying you, that's a major problem.

Or worse, if this so-called vote did not even happen at a meeting. There can't be a "majority of the board" without a meeting because, except at during a meeting, there IS no board. And if the bylaws don't mention electronic or telephone or teleconference meetings, then there can't be any such meetings.

Also, are you absolutely sure that the words "majority vote of those present" is in the bylaws? Paraphrases are simply not useful in determining what bylaws really say, because people change or add words without knowing the full impact.

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