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Richard Brown

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Everything posted by Richard Brown

  1. It sounds correct to me, too. If she had been elected anyway, she could have declined to serve, provided she did so immediately if she was present at the election. Not many people would know that RONR does not provide for declining a nomination.
  2. Yes, with the questions you have, you need something more in depth than RONRIB. RONRIB is pretty basic and does not go into much depth. It is designed for people who know very little about RONR and want a basic guide for how to make motions, etc, in meetings that are generally well run. To get into more depth, you need RONR. After you get RONR, if you find it too difficult to understand, you might consider Robert's Rules for Dummies by C. Alan Jennings. It is not a substitute for RONR and should not be cited as a parliamentary authority, but it is based solidly on RONR and can be an excellent help in understanding RONR. It's written more for the layman or novice. In terms of depth and complexity, I would say it is between RONRIB and RONR. It is about $17 in bookstores and $12.50 on Amazon. Keep in mind, though, that RONR is the ultimate authority. If you order both RONR and Robert's Rules for Dummies from Amazon, it will cost just over $25 and qualify for free shipping even if you don't have Amazon Prime. btw, congratulations on joining the forum! I think you fill find it much easier to use as a member!
  3. I second John Stackpole's (jstackpo) suggestion in another thread that you get a copy of RONR in Brief and/or RONR. RONR in Brief is about $7.50 both in bookstores and online. RONR is about $18 in bookstores and only $11 or 12 from Amazon. Most large bookstores generally have both. Edited to add: I see that RONR in Brief is currently $6 on Amazon and RONR is $13.45. The prices fluctuate. You can still get both (if you want both) for $20. Find another book costing $5 and you get free shipping even without Amazon Prime.
  4. Guest Ditto, I agree with the comments by our regular posters above, but will throw what could be a monkey wrench into some of the answers. If the bylaws do not specify that only board members can be officers or that the officers must be elected from among the board members, then it is possible for the membership to remove a board member from the board but for him retain his status as an officer. I imagine, as one or two others opined, that your bylaws require the officers to be elected from among the board members, but you might check that out. If the bylaws are unclear on that point, it is up to your organization to interpret them.
  5. I tend to agree with Godelfan's take on this. It is ultimately to the organization to interpret its own bylaws, but my own opinion, at the moment, is that consent means actual consent or some affirmative action evidencing consent, such as a letter or press release congratulating the member on his appointment or authorizing the printing of new stationery showing the member as holding the new position. Stay tuned, though, as I imagine someone will express the view that with the passage of enough time, the board shall be deemed to have consented or acquiesced. How long that period of time must be is the $64,000 question.
  6. The answer to your question will have to be found in your own bylaws. btw, I assume the treasurer is a member of your organization and can vote in membership meetings just like all other members. If not, we need to know that. As to voting on the board, if the treasurer is a member of the board, he votes unless your bylaws specify otherwise. Perhaps it would help if we knew exactly what your bylaws say with regard to how the treasurer is selected and whether he is considered an officer. If the treasurer is a "hired employee", much like an "executive director" or "executive secretary" that some organizations have, then he likely does not vote unless the bylaws give him that right. What do your bylaws say? If they are truly silent or ambiguous on this matter, it is up to your organization to interpret them.
  7. Let's slow down here and back up a bit. I think we are not sure what you are asking because of the non-standard terminology you are using. I suspect that by using the term "table" in your original question you mean to "postpone" to a definite time, such as the next meeting. That is a different motion with a different purpose and effect from the motion to"lay on the table". An "objection to consideration" is still an entirely different motion subject to different rules. So, we need to know what you mean by "table" and "object". The motions to "postpone" and to "lay on the table" can be made at any time while the main motion is pending and regardless of whether there has been any debate on it. The motion "object to consideration" must be made before there has been any debate. So, if you can tell us exactly what you mean when you say to "table" and to "object", maybe we can help you more.
  8. If that is indeed what the bylaws say, I agree... and that's what I said. However, I'm not convinced that that is what the bylaws say. Guest Peaches said, "Our documents read as follows:" (Emphasis added by me). I don't know what document(s) Peaches is referring to. The bylaws? Special rules of order? Standing rules? Policies and procedures manual? Some motion adopted somewhere along the line? A set of guidelines prepared by someone for use by the society? Also, for what it's worth, I'm not real clear on just what Peaches' question is or what she means when she says "The board wants to have someone move to allow this". What is "This"? Move to allow what, exactly? Edited to add: Also, I don't see where the fact that it is the secretary being nominated makes any difference. Based on both RONR and on whatever rule it is Peaches quoted, it seems to me the secretary should be treated just like all other candidates.
  9. I agree, but will go a step further: If the bylaws do require a ballot vote in elections, then you must vote by ballot vote regardless of the fact that there is only one candidate. That rule in the bylaws cannot be suspended or ignored by any kind of custom or motion regardless of how that motion is voted on and regardless even of whether the vote on the motion is unanimous. A requirement in the bylaws to vote by ballot cannot be ignored or suspended. Period.
  10. If there is no provision in your bylaws for special meetings (of either the general membership or the board), then special meetings are not authorized and cannot be held. Any action purportedly taken at a special meeting... any special meeting... would be void. This is what RONR says about special meetings on page 92: "Special meetings can properly be called only (a) as authorized in the bylaws (see p. 576); or (b) when authorized by the assembly itself, as part of formal disciplinary procedures, for purposes of conducting a trial and determining a punishment (see footnote, p. 661)."
  11. Juan: It's important to keep straight here the different roles of the Board and the membership. Which group was the blast email sent to? The board or the general membership? What do your bylaws say about the notice required for a special meeting? Several hours notice is very short for a board meeting and almost unheard of for a meeting of the membership. I bet your bylaws require more notice than that for both board meetings and membership meetings. If your bylaws are silent, then your society itself must decide what is reasonable notice. My own opinion is that it is not sufficient notice for either a board meeting or a general membership meeting, but my opinion doesn't count. I believe the notice is also too short for holding an election, even if it is held during the "regular" meeting which I assume is scheduled to take place right after the "special" meeting. It seems to me, based on what you have posted, that the board is charged with filling the vacancy until the next election. I question whether the membership has that authority. It also strikes me as being necessary to interpret the bylaw provision that says the interim appointee is to serve "until the next election". Does that mean "the next regular election, or does it also anticipate the "next election" being a special election? Your society must interpret what it means. It is non-standard language so you must determine what it means. I see lots of issues here, not the least of which is the business of actually accepting the resignation... and which body should accept it. My own thoughts are that since the board selects the replacement (fills the vacancy, at least temporarily), the board would be the proper body. Others may disagree. Edited to add: What do your bylaws say about giving notice of special meetings and other types of notice? Do they provide that email notification is sufficient? Per RONR, email notification is NOT sufficient unless authorized in the bylaws or a special rule.
  12. You're right: I did overlook the fact that the motion to approve the budget was not seconded. It is also true that under the small board rules in RONR seconds might not be required in this commission (board?) of five, but we don't know if seconds are required in this commission (which appears to be a public body). Assuming a second was required (something we don't know), then the motion to "table" was out of order for the additional reason that there was no motion on the floor to "table" or do anything else with...as you pointed out. However, since no timely point of order was raised and the motion to approve the budget was tabled as if it was properly before the assembly, it seems to me that my previous responses are still applicable, but that the motion to "table" the budget was our of order for the additional reason that the motion to approve the budget was never under consideration to start with. Wouldn't that fact (the lack of a second) be moot once the motion to "table" the approval of the budget was adopted? What is your understanding of the current status of the "ta(bling" of the motion to approve the budget? Is it different from my analysis? If so, in what way?
  13. This sounds as much (or more) like a political issue than a parliamentary one. From a parliamentary standpoint, the motion that was made "to table" the budget to Sept 28 should have been a motion "to postpone definitely" (or "to a definite time") rather than as a motion "to table" and should have been treated as such. There is actually no such thing as a motion "to table". The correct name of that motion is to "lay on the table". It's purpose is to lay something aside temporarily in order to reach something more pressing and then to take it back up again once the pressing business is disposed of, usually at the same meeting. It is frequently misused as it was in your meeting. However, even if the chair treated it as a motion to lay on the table and it was adopted as such, it was, in essence, postponed until the next meeting (session). A matter laid on the table can be taken from the table either at the same meeting session or at the next meeting session. So, once the meeting adjourned, it was effectively postponed until the next meeting. There's a big caveat, though: It does not come up automatically at the next meeting, but there must be a motion to "take from the table" in order to take it up. If it is not taken from the table by the end of your next meeting, it dies. See sections 17 and 34 in RONR for more information on the motions to "lay on the table" and "take from the table". Edited to add: Because of your statement that the budget was the last item on the agenda and there was no other pressing business to take up, I suspect you already know that the motion "to table" was misused. The chair should have inquired as to the intent of the member who made the incorrect motion and then ruled it out of order if told that the purpose was to postpone it until the next meeting or to kill it. But, since that didn't happen, it is my opinion that it was adopted as a motion "to lay on the table" and can be taken from the table at the next meeting. Others may believe that it should be treated as a motion to postpone until the next meeting. As a practical matter, I don't think it makes any difference as long as it does in fact get taken from the table at the next meeting. Stay tuned for other comments.
  14. My thoughts, exactly, which is why I made the decision to respond here rather than insist that guest Secretary start a new topic in which all of the preceding and relevant comments in this thread would have been missed or would have to have been repeated. I bet everyone reading this thread again today, or especially for the first time today, learned from it and learned more than they would have learned if guest Secretary had posted her question as a new topic. I'm still glad I did it this way. If we don't have anything better to do in this forum than snipe at each other about whether a question should have been posted as a new topic, we're in real trouble when it comes to posting answers that are actually helpful to people. I decided to stick with it here in large part specifically because of the earlier discussion. No regrets.
  15. Nah. I think it's fine regardless of how much time has elapsed. It fits in perfectly with the thread and shows that guest Secretary had actually been researching his/her question on here and found a thread which seemed to perfectly fit his question. (I'm gonna stick to he, him and his until told otherwise). It seems like a perfect follow up. But, regardless, it hardly seems like anything to get all worked up over. I'm fine with it being here. It's as good a fit as I've ever seen and far better than most. In fact, it's just about a perfect fit. I've got bigger things to worry about than whether our guest should have started a new thread for this question. FWIW, most similar forums prefer that follow up questions that are related to an existing thread or topic posted in an existing thread rather than starting a new one. I think we are the odd ones out on this forum for preferring that every new question be posted as a new topic.
  16. Guest Secretary, this probably should be posted as a new topic, but it's close enough to the subject of this thread that I'll go with it. I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of the motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. The purpose of the motion is not to do away with the reading and approval of the minutes by the assembly, but rather to just postpone it until later in the same meeting, perhaps until after the program if there is a guest speaker or some other item of pressing business that should be taken up first. If your intent is to create a committee to approve the minutes, then a motion should be made to do just that: to appoint a committee to approve the minutes of a particular meeting. If this is going to be done on a regular basis, you should adopt a rule to that effect. There can be a standing committee appointed for this purpose. It is also better to create the committee that will be approving the minutes at the same meeting for which they will be approving the minutes so that they can report at the next meeting that the minutes were approved. In other words, do it before the meeting is adjourned, not at the following meeting (unless you have a standing committee for approving the minutes). Edited to add: Earlier in this thread Gary Tesser and others point out the correct use of the motion to dispense with the reading (and approval) of the minutes.
  17. Perhaps you meant to say "change censure to commend"?
  18. As Mr. Guest pointed out in his post above, there is no such rule in RONR. You might be thinking of public bodies which might be subject to open meetings (sunshine) laws.
  19. The chairman has only such powers as the bylaws or other governing documents give him. He does not have the "inherent" power to create committees or appoint people to committees without something giving him that authority. There is nothing in RONR giving him that authority.
  20. Based on the additional information above, it seems clear to me that the resignation was not accepted and that the member who submitted it had the right to withdraw it. The situation you described about other members not wanting him to resign and wanting him to reconsider is quite common. He's still in. Tough luck for those who wanted to fill his vacancy.
  21. As a general rule, I agree completely. However, isn't this complicated at least a little bit by the fact that the officer submitted his resignation during a board meeting? Ideally the resignation should have been accepted....assuming the board has the authority to accept a resignation... but might the actions of the chairman and the board at that meeting amount to a constructive acceptance of the resignation, much like proceeding to fill the vacancy does? It seems to me that a little more detail about exactly what the president said when the resignation was tendered and whether any other mention was made of it during the meeting might be helpful. If there were any comments about the resignation by the president or the resigning officer or by other board members, such as wishing him well, or him turning over his organization files to the secretary or his successor, or talking about how to go about filling the vacancy, that could indicate that the assembly constructively accepted his resignation by unanimous consent. btw, Maggiez. it's a bit late for now, but next time please post your question as a new topic even if it seems to fit in with an existing topic. The forum works best that way. Think of this topic and thread as Guest Tina's thread. Click here for how to start a new topic. It's the pinned first post in the general discussion forum that says, "Important, read this first": http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/25416-important-read-this-first-information-for-new-members-and-guests/
  22. I think it bears keeping in mind that the bylaws of many organizations provide that resignations are effective upon receipt by a certain officer. In those cases, there is no need to formally accept the resignation. We tend to repeatedly tell people on here that a resignation is not effective until it has been accepted. That is simply not always the case. It depends on the bylaws. It's one of those "unless your bylaws provide otherwise" situations. I know: Just about everything in RONR can be said to be "unless your bylaws provide otherwise". But, I have seen enough bylaws that provide for a resignation becoming effective upon receipt that I think it bears pointing out that caveat in our answers.
  23. That's ok... my mother in law calls me Robert, too. Long story.... private joke.... kinda used to it!!
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