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Nomination Committee


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In our by-laws there is a section that states that the outgoing directors become the nomination committee. We have never had anyone go to this committee to declare that they want to run for the board. Outgoing directors has asked people to run, but most of the time they only ask friends. We would like to remove this section and have members just turned in their resume to the secretary, which has been happening for some time now. Do we have to have a nomination committee?

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In our by-laws there is a section that states that the outgoing directors become the nomination committee. We have never had anyone go to this committee to declare that they want to run for the board. Outgoing directors has asked people to run, but most of the time they only ask friends. We would like to remove this section and have members just turned in their resume to the secretary, which has been happening for some time now. Do we have to have a nomination committee?

You have to have one because your bylaws say so. But you don't have to have bylaws that say so.

In other words, you can amend your bylaws according to the rules, and eliminate the nominating committee. Or, you can do as many other societies do, and have the membership appoint the nominating committee directly. This is a much more usual provision, rather than putting it into the hands of outgoing directors, for the reasons you note.

Also, if your bylaws have a provision to the effect that "the president is, ex officio, a member of all committees", consider adding the words "except the nominating committee".

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