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Public Voting

Guest jonny

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The assembly may order any style of voting it feels best serves the situation. Move that the vote be taken by roll call. Majority vote required for approval.


Thanks, Bob. Do you happen to have the authority on that? Do you know where in Robert's Rules of Order is that found?

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Is there any way to make the vote be public, rather than by secret ballot?

Well, in general yes, but it certainly might depend upon just what "the vote" is that you're referring to.

Is this an election? Do your bylaws require "the vote" to be a ballot vote? You say "rather than by secret ballot" as though that would be the usual way of taking "the vote". If so, there's usually a reason.

Why not fill us in on the entire scenario, before we start guessing. (That's never pretty.)

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Is there any way to make the vote be public,

rather than by secret ballot?


Do you mean, by voice, by hands, by rising, by roll call?

It depends.

Q. What makes you think that the vote will be automatically done via secret ballot? Is there a rule already in place?

If there is a rule in place, then the answer is "No."

The secrecy of a secret ballot cannot be overridden by a motion.

You would have to amend the controlling rule.

(Yet, see RONR for a rare possible method of accomplishing such an end. It is a bit of a duplication of effort, and a bit time-consuming, therefore. But nonetheless theoretically possible.)

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Thanks for correcting the citation.

I might assume that the reference to page 352 of PL is to the rule that a ballot vote must be taken on the demand of a single member in disciplinary proceedings on questions of guilt and punishment, but if so, why not refer to RONR pages 628 and 640 instead? Furthermore, since nothing of this "is a bit of a duplication of effort, and a bit time-consuming" or should be characterized as "nonetheless theoretically possible", my assumption would appear to be wrong.

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