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Voting on New Business


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If an item is on the agenda under New Business and it has not been previously discussed, is it correct procedure to wait until the next meeting to vote on it? Our board recently raised an issue as New Business (a non-emergency item) and voted on it immediately without giving the membership a chance to comment. Does Robert's Rules address this issue? Our bylaws do not specifically address this issue. Thank you.

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If an item is on the agenda under New Business and it has not been previously discussed, is it correct procedure to wait until the next meeting to vote on it?

That's up to the assembly. The motion to Postpone Definitely requires a majority vote and is debatable.

Our board recently raised an issue as New Business (a non-emergency item) and voted on it immediately without giving the membership a chance to comment. Does Robert's Rules address this issue? Our bylaws do not specifically address this issue.

The board's action violates no rule in RONR. There is no required "waiting period" or "comment period" in RONR, and most motions do not require previous notice. Of course, if the general membership doesn't like the board's action, it may be able to rescind it at the next general membership meeting, provided the action has not already been completed. See Official Interpretation 2006-13.

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If an item is on the agenda under New Business and it has not been previously discussed, is it correct procedure to wait until the next meeting to vote on it? Our board recently raised an issue as New Business (a non-emergency item) and voted on it immediately without giving the membership a chance to comment. Does Robert's Rules address this issue? Our bylaws do not specifically address this issue. Thank you.

As far as the rules in RONR are concerned, items of new business are not required to be entered on an agenda, and motions can be adopted at the same meeting at which they are made (observing whatever is to be observed about previous notice of a motion). General members of an organization are not entitled to speak at board meetings.

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If an item is on the agenda under New Business and it has not been previously discussed, is it correct procedure to wait until the next meeting to vote on it? Our board recently raised an issue as New Business (a non-emergency item) and voted on it immediately without giving the membership a chance to comment. Does Robert's Rules address this issue? Our bylaws do not specifically address this issue. Thank you.

This was a Board meeting, yes?

I ask because many posters here believe, as do apparently their Boards, that at membership meetings the Board has some sway, when in fact they aren't even in attendance as "the board." So, I'm just asking.

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