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Recinding a vote

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If a vote is taken and passed and the meeting is adjorned, can a voting member ask that the vote be rescinded to allow another vote to be taken to include members who were not present at the first vote?

Provided the motion does not fall into the categories of motions that cannot be rescinded, yes, a motion to Rescind can be made at a later meeting, and any members who might have been absent when the motion was adopted can certainly vote.

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If a vote is taken and passed and the meeting is adjorned, can a voting member ask that the vote be rescinded to allow another vote to be taken to include members who were not present at the first vote?

I'm curious what would be the point? I suspect it would have something to do with the minutes recording how members voted perhaps?

Here's why I ask: if you rescind the motion that passed to have another vote on it (after it was moved and seconded again, of course) and the now-present members vote and the motion is adopted again, then nothing has changed. If the now-present members vote and the motion is defeated this time around, then the successful motion to Rescind would have already taken care of that.

So, what would be the importance of having a second vote?

(the only thing that jumps to mind is allowing these formerly-missing members the ability to Reconsider the motion at that same meeting, which wouldn't seem enough of benefit really)

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I'm curious what would be the point? I suspect it would have something to do with the minutes recording how members voted perhaps?

Here's why I ask: if you rescind the motion that passed to have another vote on it (after it was moved and seconded again, of course) and the now-present members vote and the motion is adopted again, then nothing has changed. If the now-present members vote and the motion is defeated this time around, then the successful motion to Rescind would have already taken care of that.

So, what would be the importance of having a second vote?

(the only thing that jumps to mind is allowing these formerly-missing members the ability to Reconsider the motion at that same meeting, which wouldn't seem enough of benefit really)

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If a vote is taken and passed and the meeting is adjorned, can a voting member ask that the vote be rescinded to allow another vote to be taken to include members who were not present at the first vote?

You don't rescind a vote. You rescind the motion that was previously adopted. Once it's rescinded, it's not in effect any more.

There would be no point in then having another vote. Those who favored the original motion should have voted against its rescission, and those who opposed it should have voted in favor of rescinding it.

So after the vote on the motion to Rescind is taken, the matter is settled. (For the time being.)

The motion to Rescind requires a second, is debatable, and for adoption requires: with previous notice, a majority vote; without previous notice either a 2/3 vote or a majority of the entire membership (of the body voting).

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