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Constitution and quarterly meeting vs monthly meeting

Guest Dennis

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Our constitution says we are to have quarterly business meetings. A member brought up last month under new business that they wanted monthly business meetings. Our moderator called the member out of order and told them that we adhere to the constitution that states quarterly business meetings. Was that correct?

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Our constitution says we are to have quarterly business meetings. A member brought up last month under new business that they wanted monthly business meetings. Our moderator called the member out of order and told them that we adhere to the constitution that states quarterly business meetings. Was that correct?

No. A member should be called out of order only if being disorderly.

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So the moderator is still correct if he said the motion is out of order because the constitution clearly states the meeting is quarterly-which means the member cannot make a motion for monthly meetings.

Well, he is correct if he is correct. It's true that a motion is out of order if it conflicts with the constitution. If the frequency of meetings is provided in the constitution, and if there is no provision therein for changing it, then the only proper way to change it would be to go through the procedure of amending the constitution.

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So the moderator is still correct if he said the motion is out of order because the constitution clearly states the meeting is quarterly-which means the member cannot make a motion for monthly meetings.

Maybe. If that's what the bylaws actually say. But even so, the bylaws undoubtedly have a method in them for their own amendment. So it may be possible to amend them to change quarterly to monthly.

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Our constitution says we are to have quarterly business meetings. A member brought up last month under new business that they wanted monthly business meetings. Our moderator called the member out of order and told them that we adhere to the constitution that states quarterly business meetings. Was that correct?


Some constitutions (some bylaws) are worded as to be flexible.

For example, I've seen wording which says, "at least quarterly."

For example, I've seen wording which says, "shall meet quarterly or at the call of _____." [specifying a method of calling meetings]

In such a case, your buddy's motion might well have been in order, but maybe not worded quite right to be consistent with your unique rule.

• He might have been corrected so as to make his motion an amendment to your constitution.

• He might have been corrected so as to make his motion a calling of a special meeting.

Even you paraphrased your own rule.

I doubt that the text of the rule reads like so:

"We are to have quarterly business meetings."

Indeed, since your rule says ONLY that you meet "quarterly," then your rule falls short of specifying HOW those quarterly meetings get their DATES and TIMES fixed.

Maybe your buddy was attempting to fix a DATE and a TIME?

Q. How do you know what date/time are your quarterly business meetings?

Q. Who set the date/time?

Q. How do you adjust the date/time for holidays?


Your buddy might have been on the right track, even if his precision was lacking.

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