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By-laws revision

Guest Daria

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The by-laws committee of our organization just did a major by-laws revision. It has changed virtually every paragraph and the structure of the organization. The committee will present the report and the changes as a revision at our annual meeting. Does it require a motion and a second to come from the floor? If members want to divide by articles can we vote on each article by separate motion and then vote on the entire by-laws as amended?

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The by-laws committee of our organization just did a major by-laws revision. It has changed virtually every paragraph and the structure of the organization. The committee will present the report and the changes as a revision at our annual meeting. Does it require a motion and a second to come from the floor? If members want to divide by articles can we vote on each article by separate motion and then vote on the entire by-laws as amended?

The reporting member of the bylaws committee should make the appropriate main motion to adopt the committee's recommendation(s). However, if he fails to do so, the president can either call on him to make the motion or just assume the motion by stating the question.

In the case of a lengthy document, the president should proceed to the consideration by paragraph without a formal motion. However, if he fails to do so, a member can make a formal motion. Be aware, though, that consideration by paragraph does not entail a separate vote to approve each paragraph.

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The by-laws committee of our organization just did a major by-laws revision. It has changed virtually every paragraph and the structure of the organization. The committee will present the report and the changes as a revision at our annual meeting. Does it require a motion and a second to come from the floor? If members want to divide by articles can we vote on each article by separate motion and then vote on the entire by-laws as amended?

See PP 548-553

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The by-laws committee of our organization just did a major by-laws revision. It has changed virtually every paragraph and the structure of the organization. The committee will present the report and the changes as a revision at our annual meeting. Does it require a motion and a second to come from the floor? If members want to divide by articles can we vote on each article by separate motion and then vote on the entire by-laws as amended?

It requires a motion, presumably from the reporting member of the bylaws committee, but no second (unless the bylaws committee is just one person).

It would be best to consider the revision by paragraph (or "seriatim"). You would vote on any amendments (majority vote), but if there were no amendments offered to a particular paragraph, there would be no need for a vote. Just move on to the next.

When finished with the process, you would have a final up-or-down vote on the revision, and that would need to meet the voting requirement for amending the bylaws, probably 2/3, if your bylaws are typical.

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