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Bylaws Modifications

Guest Joan Cavin

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Do minor modifications to an organization's bylaws require resubmission of the bylaws to the memberships for a vote as for a true content revision? Or can such revisions be made as long as updated copies of the bylaws are properly distributedto the members? By minor revisions I mean corrections in spelling or capitalization, or grammar such as word tense.

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Do minor modifications to an organization's bylaws require resubmission of the bylaws to the memberships for a vote as for a true content revision? Or can such revisions be made as long as updated copies of the bylaws are properly distributedto the members? By minor revisions I mean corrections in spelling or capitalization, or grammar such as word tense.

The panda bear eats shoots and leaves.=The panda's dietary habits

The panda bear eats, shoots, and leaves.=The panda eats then pulls out a gun and starts shooting up the place and then walks out the door.

See how those two commas changed the entire meaning of the sentence. The same thing could happen with those "minor" modifications if you aren't careful. So yes the bylaws need to go through the full amendment procedure even for "minor" modifications.

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Do minor modifications to an organization's bylaws require resubmission of the bylaws to the memberships for a vote as for a true content revision? Or can such revisions be made as long as updated copies of the bylaws are properly distributedto the members? By minor revisions I mean corrections in spelling or capitalization, or grammar such as word tense.

The bylaws can only be amended in accordance with the rules governing bylaw amendment. Do your bylaws specifically allow anyone other than the membership to make "minor revisions?" I will guess "no."

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Do minor modifications to an organization's bylaws require resubmission of the bylaws to the memberships for a vote as for a true content revision? Or can such revisions be made as long as updated copies of the bylaws are properly distributedto the members? By minor revisions I mean corrections in spelling or capitalization, or grammar such as word tense.

Take a look at the example resolution in RONR (10th ed.), p. 580, ll. 26-31, to see if such a thing would fit the bill for your organization.

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