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My club adopted a no Smoking rule/ban almost a year ago. Our bylaws allow's for any rule that was acted/voted on weather it passes or not can not be brought up again for one year to date from when it was originally presented and voted on. If it does not come up then it stays in affect. If it should be brought up after a year or any time after that period of time and a motion is made and seconed and they vote to resind it then we are back to smoking again.

My question is can we keep this from happening other then win out by a majority vote to keep it in affect or do we have any other options to keep the no smoking ban? Also is there anything under Health & Saftey that can stop this or would the club/excutive board have to be enpowered to do so and what would be the process for doing this etc. Thank you.

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There is no way under RONR to prevent a motion to Rescind from being introduced. Just make sure that you have the votes to defeat the motion if it comes up (it takes a majority vote if previous notice was given or if notice wasn't given a 2/3 vote or a majority of the ENTIRE membership to adopt the motion).

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See this recent thread for some possibly relevant comments:

You mention that you need to "win out by a majority vote" to prevent the rule from being rescinded -- as Chris H. pointed out, the motion to rescind requires a higher vote threshold than an original main motion does, so you might not actually need a majority to keep the previously adopted rule in effect.

Placing a smoking ban into the bylaws would be one way to make it harder to get rid of.

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There is no way under RONR to prevent a motion to Rescind from being introduced. Just make sure that you have the votes to defeat the motion if it comes up (it takes a majority vote if previous notice was given or if notice wasn't given a 2/3 vote or a majority of the ENTIRE membership to adopt the motion).

Could someone please tell me what page/chapter etc this is on in Roberts Rules book. Thank You.

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